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Essay Writing Tips: 6 Tips for Writing a Good Essay

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Beitragvon Katedavis » Di 29. Jun 2021, 18:25

Writing an essay often seems like a daunting task for high school or college students. Whether given as homework in school, or perhaps written for a contest, many students often find the task of writing write my essay reviews to be unsolvable. Although writing an essay is a fairly large task, there are many different ways that a student can undertake to break the task down into smaller pieces. Breaking down the task of writing an essay into small steps is the easiest way to prepare a successful essay.

There are six steps to writing a successful essay:

Choose a topic.
The instructor may suggest you the topic of the essay himself or you may be given the choice of what topic to write the essay on. If you are given a topic, you should think about the type of essay you want to write. Should it be a general overview of the subject area or a specific analysis?

If you are not given a topic, you have a little extra work to do. However, this option also gives you an advantage in choosing a topic that interests you. First, determine your purpose. Is the purpose of your essay to inform your readers or is the main goal to persuade them?
Once you have determined your purpose, you will need to do some research on topics that you find interesting. Think about your life. What interests you? Write out these topics.
Finally, do some analysis of these topics. If your goal is to provide information on some area, choose a topic that you know well. If your goal is to persuade, choose a topic that you are passionate about. Regardless of the mission of the essay, make sure you are interested in your topic.

Prepare an outline of your ideas.
To write a successful essay, you must organize your thoughts. Write out on paper all your thoughts on the topic in the form of a chart. This structure serves as the basis for your paper. A flowchart or diagram allows you to organize your thesis statement.
So, to create a diagram, write your topic in the middle of the page. Now from that topic, draw a few lines (4-5), and at the end of those lines, write down the ideas. From the ideas, draw a few more lines and at the end of those lines write down any thoughts on those ideas.
This approach will allow you to write a well-organized essay.

Write the main thesis statement of your essay.
Now that you have chosen a topic and written out the main ideas on the topic, you should write the main thesis of your essay.

The main thesis is one sentence that describes the key statement in the essay as accurately and completely as possible. When writing some essays as an academic paper or part of a standardized exam, having the main thesis statement in the introduction is mandatory. Even if you do not have such requirements, it will be helpful to clearly state the main thesis of the paper. Usually the main thesis is placed near the end of the first paragraph, although there are no strict rules.
⦁ Since the essay on obesity is about an important topic, and you will be writing in simple non-descriptive language, you can formulate the main point as follows: "Based on the analysis of research data, this essay will provide recommendations on possible ways to reduce obesity." Such a thesis statement will, in a few words, explain to the reader what the purpose of the essay is.
⦁ A vacation essay will not require this. Since the mood, the story, and the description of something personal are more important here, a straightforward phrase like "This essay details my vacation in Costa Rica" will sound strained and inappropriate.

Main body of the essay.
The main body of the essay states, explains, or describes your topic. Each main idea you wrote in a diagram or outline will become a separate section in the body of your essay.
Each paragraph will have the same basic structure. Start by writing one of your main ideas as an opening sentence. Then write each of your supporting ideas in sentence format, but leave three or four lines between each point to go back and give detailed examples to argue your position. Fill these spaces with relative information that will help tie the smaller ideas together.

Write an introduction.
Now that you have written the overall structure of your essay, you should write the introduction. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and show exactly what your essay focuses on.
Start with information that will 100% grab the reader's attention. You can use shocking information, dialogue, a story, a quote. Whichever way you choose, make sure it ties in with your thesis statement, which will be included as the last sentence of your introduction.

Write a conclusion.
The conclusion summarizes your overall ideas, providing a definitive view of your topic. Your conclusion should consist of three to five sentences.

Related Resources:
How to write a good essay
Speech clichés for essays in English
How to write a good essay
Speech clichés for essays in English
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Registriert: Di 29. Jun 2021, 18:23


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